

Why BrainFit Resorts?

Because our minds are the last thing we think of.

We have become so indoctrinated in the idea of physical fitness as the key to a long and healthy life, we forget that without the engine, the brain, to power the body, the machine fails. Years of research and expertise into cognitive wellness and enhancement have given us tested and proven strategies to enhance the brain’s abilities, and ultimately prevent cognitive decline.

BrainFit Resorts offers support and guidance towards changing your life in the areas of nutrition, activity, stress management, cognitive stimulation and social engagement. Ultimately, this prevents degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s or Dementia, and empowers you to age with passion, health and exuberance for life.

Our approach is both scientific and evidence-based solutions, which provide you a personalized lifestyle change based on your vulnerabilities and risks, to facilitate a sustainable healthier living.

At Brainfit Resorts, we provide you with a complete, supportive environment, in which to guide, care for and inspire you to live your best life, and as your best YOU.

What is unique about our program?

BrainFit Resorts embody a unique approach to your cognitive well being, with an emphasis on:

  • The mind and body wellness connection
  • An individually tailored prevention program
  • The combination of science, with fun and entertainment
  • Ongoing post-program support and customer engagement

Our bodies, brains and spirits are all unique ecosystems, shaped by individual risk factors based on lifestyle and predispositions. Unfortunately, our mainstream medical system does not offer personally tailored care that takes into account the diversity of the human experience.

As such, we have designed BrainFit Resorts not as a clinic, but indeed a luxury resort, encompassing a relaxing environment, with a professional, customized experience.

We recognize that lifestyle changes are challenging, and require time and a supportive environment. A ‘resort setting’ in a beautiful, relaxing environment, is far more productive in creating sustainable change than any clinic visit.

At BrainFit Resorts, we tailor a program suited to your personal needs, in order to guide you through maintaining your mind and body, and ultimately, optimize your ageing process to shape the rest of your life.

Why do I need a tailored program?

We all have a unique biological makeup, based on genetics, physical condition, diet and lifestyle factors. In order to truly heal, it is critical to view each patient as an individual and apply the healing process accordingly.

Personalized medicine takes into account any chronic conditions and our individual genetic, physical and lifestyle differences.

At BrainFit Resorts, we adopt the unique approach that every person is a universe with its own secrets, treasures and challenges. In order to truly optimize cognitive wellness and effectively prevent dementia, it is essential to target individual risk factors in terms of personal background, lifestyle and genetic predispositions.

This means, within our program, we will explore the most unique attributes of the individual, including but not limited to:

  • Your family and medical history
  • Education level and occupation
  • Exercise patterns and activity levels
  • Body composition (BMI, % fat and its distribution)
  • Metabolic profile (lipids, sugars, hormones, chronic inflammation and oxidative damage)
  • Current medications and/or supplements
  • Diet and nutritional markers
  • Habits (such as alcohol, smoking etc.)
  • Stress and sleep patterns
  • Level of general social engagement
  • Cognitive performance and much more.

This in-depth analysis allows us to form a complete picture of you as the unique microcosm you are. Based on this assessment, we are able to create a prevention program specifically tailored to your needs, including your capabilities and weaknesses, as well as your goals for the future, so that you can facilitate healthy lifestyle changes that endure, beyond your stay at BrainFit Resorts.

Why in a resort?

The best way to learn and adopt a new habit or lifestyle behavior is to associate it with a pleasant environment. When you are subjected to an environment that triggers and contributes to an unhealthy lifestyle in the first place, it is extremely challenging to make a change.

We all know that exercise and healthy eating are important, yet when we are surrounded by temptations and old habits, we are vulnerable to relapse back into what is familiar and comforting.

Stepping away from habit and familiarity offers perspective and an opportunity for introspection, a time to go within and understand how to change your life for the better with sustainable practices.

This process is challenging and it is natural to feel a need for support and guidance.

Change is far easier when you are detached from the normal day-to-day routine, and are exposed, even for a short period, to a new and healthier environment where you can experience an ideal “brain healthy” lifestyle. 

One where you can walk hand in hand and be coached by a caring professional, who is familiar with your challenges and able to customize the healing process, the path becomes clear and supported.

Learn more about our personalized approach to achieving cognitive wellness here.

Why in a group?

It is widely recognized that people get better in groups. Knowing that you are not alone and the connection to a shared human experience, with others that are experiencing similar journeys, is a powerful and healing mechanism.

There are many examples of highly effective group therapies in other areas, ranging from weight loss, anxiety management, smoking cessation and drug rehabilitation, to overcoming addictions and recovering from trauma.

You can more readily learn and embrace a new behavior in the company of other people sharing a common experience.

A one week stay at BrainFit Resorts can be the “magic bullet” to a sustainable, brain healthy lifestyle. Our approach is holistic, personal and supportive into long-term maintenance, beyond your retreat experience and into your new future thriving lifestyle.

Our ongoing program will monitor your progress consistently, and our library of further education (newsletters, webinars, reminders), remote group sessions and guidance, as well as cognitive skills training and testing is always available to you.

What to expect?

BrainFit Resorts is a replenishing “boot camp,” a brain and body wellness program based on cognitive training and brain health, food and fitness. Our aim is to make your stay an incredibly enjoyable experience, filled with new tastes and discoveries, insightful teachings, games, social connections and entertainment.

During your stay, we will teach you practical techniques and methodologies, to change your life for the better in the areas of exercise and activity, nutrition, stress and sleep management, cognitive stimulation and social engagement. The program will be informative, engaging, very interactive, and in a small group setting, where like-minded people get to share their experiences, and create a social group for life.

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