
We are what we eat

We are what we eat

Food is one of the most singularly important factors in overall health.

The food we eat literally becomes who we are, and influences our physical, mental and even emotional well-being.

A poor diet has been proven as a cause of conditions such as hypertension, heart and blood vessels diseases, obesity, and diabetes.

Nutritious food choices not only contribute to optimal brain health but can actually be a tool for supporting and even improving cognition.


Food for Brain and Thought

Unhealthy diets can ultimately increase your risk of psychiatric and neurologic conditions, such as depression and dementia, whereas healthy diets can be otherwise protected against such conditions.

Some evidence suggests that poor dietary and nutritional patterns may have contributed to the widespread rise of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias over the last three decades, especially in developed countries, such as USA, UK, Australia, and Canada.

At BrainFit Resorts, we make “Brain Food and Supplements” an essential component of our ProtectMyBrain program. We will not only provide an optimal diet but also help you understand the principles of brain-healthy nutrition.

To support the process, we will also offer you a meal plan, supplements and helpful eating habits that you will be able to incorporate when you return home after the program.


Click HERE to find out more about the ProtectMyBrain Dementia Prevention Program


For now, here are some top nutritional tips to promote your brain health:

  1. Lower your carbs intake and avoid (refined) sugars.
    Natural carbohydrate sources with higher fiber content are better choices, but again, in limited quantities.
  2. Avoid the “Bad” fats (trans fats, found extensively in processed foods) and limit your saturated fats intake (usually found in beef and pork). 
  3. Fatty fish contain high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, namely omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for brain health. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (found in nuts, seeds, fish, and leafy green vegetables) and the monounsaturated fatty acids (found in olive oil, avocados, and nuts) decrease the risk for dementia over time. 
  4. Vegetables and fruits which are not sweet are excellent sources for natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, which can protect your brain. These may include green and red vegetables, berries, grapefruits and many more. 
  5. Diets that have been suggested to promote brain health include The Mediterranean, The MIND and APT diets.


We hope these tips provide you with some insights and assistance to living your most brain healthy life.

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Until next time… Live Strong. Live Well. Live BrainFit.

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