
Cognitive Wellness & Dementia Prevention

Our evidence-based, multi-domain approach addresses a myriad of lifestyle choices and strategies to ensure sustainable lifestyle changes.

Tailored Programs
We offer a personalized medicine approach, to identify YOUR cognitive risk factors, as well as your ability to integrate brain healthy behaviors into every-day life.
Brain Training

We utilize the latest technological advances to help you maintain and improve your “brain power”, so you can remain focused, sharp, perceptive, organized and resourceful

Food For Thought

Food is one of the most singularly important factors in overall health, influencing our physical and emotional well-being. We will create for you an optimal diet, and help you understand how food impacts your brain.


Creating New Habits

Using psychological strategies to ensure sustainability, we will offer you proven body-mind techniques that you can adopt and maintain for the rest of your life.

A message from our CEO, Prof. Dan J. Sherman, M.D:

Why is brain health the most important factor in maintaining the best version of YOU?
How can we protect our minds and our livelihood, so that we can continue to age with vitality and passion for life?

Our Multi-Domain Approach

Want to find out if any of our programs are right for you?

Click on the links below to find out more


A resort-based, all-inclusive program that will teach you how to adopt and maintain a brain-healthy lifestyle that can PREVENT age-related cognitive decline and Dementia



A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step – Start with one small habit-change



An online platform and a mobile app which offer Brain Risk Assessment (BRA), Personal Health Plan (PHP) and ongoing support by our expert coaches (COACH) to achieve a brain-healthier lifestyle



If you are a health- or wellness-provider, find out how we can benefit your customers in reaching their goals


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